garland meaning in telugu

Word: garland
Meaning of garland in english - strand of material, usually hung

Meanings in telugu :

haaramu ( హారము )

Identical words :

garland of flowers - pralambamu ( ప్రలంబము )
garland of leaves - bibbi ( బిబ్బీ )
garland worn likesash - vaikakshakamu ( వైకక్షకము )
garlands of flowers - sarapuvvulu ( సరపువ్వులు )

Synonyms of garland

wreath crown festoon laurel chaplet bays coronal palm

Related English Telugu Meaning

gallantgallantrygallerygallopgaze atgazellegaṇēsagelatineganganggemgendersgeneral impressiongeneral name applied to plant of thegeneral name fgeneral term of respectgansgapgarbgenerally used in the plural
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