gloss meaning in telugu
Word: gloss
Meaning of gloss in english - shine, sheen, definition, make shiny, conceal truth, define
varnish veneer glaze luster finish brightness gleam appearance brilliance surface front burnish shimmer glint facade polish sleekness silkiness slickness glossiness comment elucidation footnote explanation commentary interpretation translation annotation lacquer rub furbish glance buff soft-pedal whitewash hide sugarcoat palliate rationalize extenuate doctor mask camouflage falsify deacon disguise belie whiten misrepresent veil explain justify cover up smooth over annotate elucidate translatedullness misinformation strip explain clear up reveal uncover unmask expose openglossary of obscure phrases used in the vedasglossyglow all overglowglowing of the skinglowingglowinglyglue cause to adhereglueglutenglutinous secretion of the fleshglutonousgluttonousgnashgnashing noisegnatgnawgo backgo downgo off
Meanings in telugu :
vyaakhy ( వ్యాఖ్య )
Identical words :
glossary of obscure phrases used in the vedas - niruktamu ( నిరుక్తము )
Synonyms of gloss
Antonyms of gloss
Related English Telugu Meaning
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