halter meaning in telugu

Word: halter
Meaning of halter in english - bridle, lasso, rein, tether, crippled, lame

Meanings in telugu :

paggamu ( పగ్గము )

Identical words :

halterhd - jirr ( జిర్ర )
halters knot - tamme ( తమ్మె )
halter f - talagu ( తలగు )
halter to tie up cattle - talugu ( తలుగు )

Synonyms of halter

control deterrent leash curb restraint check headstall hackamore trammels rope snare bola restriction line governor strap harness brake bit hold cord shackle fetter lead chain binding picket bond damaged harmed deformed handicapped broken paralyzed impaired halt incapacitated maimed game mutilated bedridden defective out of commission mangled marred enfeebled sidelined hog-tied hamstrung gimp housebound laid up sore disabled stiff pained raw hobbling limping bruised

Antonyms of halter

encouragement liberation release OK working capable healthy fixed perfect unbroken walking graceful agile mobile efficient satisfactory strong

Related English Telugu Meaning

halterhdhalters knothalting placehamlet injunglehamlet near the foot ofhillhamlethammock of clothhammockhamperhand breadthhand core in the heart ofpalmyrahand cuffs that slide onbar of ironhand held ascup to containliquid in the palmhand held ascuphand in handhand lamphand over hand rapidlyhand writinghand-to-hand strugglehand-writing
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