harm meaning in telugu
Word: harm
Meaning of harm in english - injury, evil, injure, cause evil
loss mischief sabotage violence damage wrong abuse vandalism disservice misuse impairment ruination misfortune immorality iniquity ill ravage hurt mischance prejudice infliction outrage detriment sin wickedness foul play wear and tear noxiousness sinfulness perniciousness marring banefulness deleteriousness shock wreck tarnish inconvenience shatter cripple maim trample sap traumatize undermine tweak scathe bruise zing molest total wound maltreat crush nick vitiate vandalize get stab spoil mutilate blemish ill-treat wrench discommode incommode mangle wing mess up put down disserve louse up dilapidate do violence to dump onfavor goodness virtue happiness profit advantage help kindness benefit blessing pleasure create aid assist mend heal respect protect surrender improve build repair fix strengthen cure please approve make happy lose yieldharmlessnessharmoniousharmoniseharmony in musicharmonyharpoonharrowharsh wordharsh-soundingharshharshness of speechharshnessharvest timehas becomehas been washedhas equal strength in his two armshashhasp ofknifehasphaste
Meanings in telugu :
hins ( హింస )
Identical words :
As adjective :
harmonious - shraavyamu ( శ్రావ్యము )
harmonious - shraavyamu ( శ్రావ్యము )
harmlessness - ahins ( అహింస )
harmonise - ēkibhavianchu ( ఏకీభవించు )
harmony in music - saaLagamu ( సాళగము )
harmonise - ēkibhavianchu ( ఏకీభవించు )
harmony in music - saaLagamu ( సాళగము )
Synonyms of harm
Antonyms of harm
Related English Telugu Meaning
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