hold meaning in telugu
Word: hold
Meaning of hold in english - grasp, possession, have in one's hands, possession, grasp, believe, continue, endure, support, have a capacity for, conduct meeting, function
grip influence dominance control pull occupancy tenure clutch clinch authority purchase dominion clout ownership clench tenacity occupation sway clasp retention enjoy seize keep arrest maintain take imprison carry detain occupy secure press nourish embrace cherish vise check fondle wield adhere cradle restrain cling confine hug handle contain stick catch squeeze wring cleave bind retain withhold trammel enclose bottle up hang on palm cork up freeze to keep close keep out lock up not let go put a lock on stay put buy okay consider credit feel regard aver entertain reckon esteem presume sense judge assume deem think view swear by bet bottom dollar have hunch have sneaking suspicion lap up lay money on set store by swear up and down take as gospel truth take stock in cross one's heart remain operate last persevere resist exist persist apply be in effect be in force be the case be valid have bearing hold good hold true remain true stand up stay staunch bolster shoulder buttress uphold prop sustain underpin shore up include accommodate seat comprise be equipped for call run celebrate convene assemble preside officiate solemnizeweakness dispossession release lack need reject liberate ignore loosen exclude aid assist permit disbelieve forsake cease desert want lose give let go offer free neglect fail unfasten untie abandon allow help miss drop halt quit stop cancel refuse disregard mistrust forget leave give up avoid dodge weakenholding cornholding in commonholding togetherholdinghole in the groundhole in the groundhowever smallhole in the lintel and sillhole made by burglars throughwallhole made withdrillhole of any kindholeholiday kept by girls in the month pushyamholidayholinessholloahollow at the back of the neckhollow bamboohollow formed byfoldhollow in the groundhollow instone
Meanings in telugu :
savadarianchu ( సవదరించు )
Identical words :
As noun :
holding - dhaaranamu ( ధారణము )
holding - dhaaranamu ( ధారణము )
holding corn - gummi ( గుమ్మి )
holding in common - pottu ( పొత్తు )
holding together - sandhaanamu ( సంధానము )
holding in common - pottu ( పొత్తు )
holding together - sandhaanamu ( సంధానము )
Synonyms of hold
Antonyms of hold
Related English Telugu Meaning
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