interest meaning in telugu
Word: interest
Meaning of interest in english - attraction, curiosity, advantage, share, investment, hold the attention of
importance significance sympathy passion activity enthusiasm concern diversion pastime racket interestedness sport thing absorption note suspicion relevance hobby preoccupation notice regard attentiveness moment pursuit relaxation care case recreation game excitement matter engrossment consequence affection into concernment leisure activity profit prosperity benefit well-being gain good welfare right stake influence commitment involvement participation earnings claim premium credit bonus title accrual due authority discount portion percentage piece points engage fascinate amuse please entertain tempt intrigue pull lure snare enthrall hook move pique arouse tantalize touch titillate grab appeal divert perk up turn on appeal to be interesting toinsignificance indifference hate task vocation dislike hatred boredom heedlessness ignorance disregard apathy disadvantage work profession peace neglect unimportance labor disinterest loss whole reject refuse tire anger annoy disgust dissuade release forget repulse turn off repel upset disenchant let go stayinteresting pursuitinterferenceinteriinteriorinterj surelyinterj well done huzzainterjinterjection in games likeinterjection similar to huzzainterjectionnointermediate pointintermediate spaceintermediateinterminableintermissionintermittent feverinternal abscessinternalinterpretation of spots on the bodyinterrogative adjective
Meanings in telugu :
salig ( సలిగ )
Identical words :
interest on money - vaddi ( వడ్డి )
interesting pursuit - vinōdamu ( వినోదము )
interest payable daily - saankaalik ( సాంకాలిక )
interesting pursuit - vinōdamu ( వినోదము )
interest payable daily - saankaalik ( సాంకాలిక )
Synonyms of interest
Antonyms of interest
Related English Telugu Meaning
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