moving meaning in telugu

Word: moving
Meaning of moving in english - affecting, exciting, mobile

Meanings in telugu :

saanchalanamu ( సంచలనము )

Identical words :

moving crookedly - tiryakku ( తిర్యక్కు )

Synonyms of moving

stunning inspiring persuasive gripping meaningful eloquent poignant heartbreaking touching heartrending emotional expressive stirring rousing quickening awakening provoking stimulating affective breathless dynamic far-out hairy impressive mind-blowing sententious significant something emotive facund inspirational arousing motivating impelling rallying propelling felt in gut grabbed by mind-bending stimulative turned on by changing flying jumping running going roaming roving movable nomadic portable unstable unsteady shifting walking progressing evolving traversing climbing advancing motile unfixed

Antonyms of moving

unemotional unexciting unmoving immobile permanent stationary dull fixed

Related English Telugu Meaning

mowingmuch as much as one pleasesmuch bentmuch bowed downmuch celebratedmuch dampnessmuch fallenmuch greatlymuch heatedmuch intensemuch praisedmuch sharpenedmuch useless talkingmuchmuchness separation as inmuchreferring to sunshinemucousmucusmud left on land byfloodmud scurf
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