murder meaning in telugu
Word: murder
Meaning of murder in english - killing
homicide lynching massacre felony crime destruction bloodshed shooting manslaughter death hit butchery annihilation liquidation off carnage foul play rub out slaying assassination terrorism knifing offing dispatching one-way ticket taking out the business the works execute exterminate destroy assassinate behead strangle decapitate asphyxiate mar guillotine snuff ruin abolish eliminate waste knife electrocute finish liquidate hang smother spoil misuse chill cool drub defeat thrash extinguish mangle eradicate bump off do in knock off put away garotte blot out dust off take a life take for a ridecreate aid heal construct grow institute ratify preserve heat warm guard protect bear give birth keep help build continue establish save start lose light encouragemurderermurderessmurderous intentmurmurmurrainmusclemushroommusicmusical instrumentmusical notemusical soundmusicianmusingmusk-ratmuskmusketmuslin any cloth withoutbordermuslinmussulman womanmussulman
Meanings in telugu :
haty ( హత్య )
Identical words :
murderous intent - jighaans ( జిఘాంస )
Synonyms of murder
Antonyms of murder
Related English Telugu Meaning
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