usually meaning in telugu
Word: usually
she who is out of her sensesshe who is withoutmastershe-goatsheaf of cornsheathsheathing ofboatshed abroadshed made of leavesshed withslanting roofshedsheddingsheepsheet clothsheetshesheikhshelfshell fishshell offruit prepared to serve assnuff boxshell seller
Meanings in telugu :
chavik ( చవిక )
Identical words :
usually worshipped by the panchamas - ankamm ( అంకమ్మ )
usually of cuscuss - antikalu ( అంతికలు )
usually in the plural alone - aadangi ( ఆడంగి )
usually calledtolabeing the weight of one rupee - tulamu ( తులము )
usually made of scarlet cloth - pannaagamu ( పన్నాగము )
usually made by breaking off the upper part ofpot - borusu ( బొరుసు )
usually set with little bells - rashan ( రశన )
usually called paddy - vari ( వరి )
usually calledpyal - vitardi ( వితర్ది )
usually of cuscuss - antikalu ( అంతికలు )
usually in the plural alone - aadangi ( ఆడంగి )
usually calledtolabeing the weight of one rupee - tulamu ( తులము )
usually made of scarlet cloth - pannaagamu ( పన్నాగము )
usually made by breaking off the upper part ofpot - borusu ( బొరుసు )
usually set with little bells - rashan ( రశన )
usually called paddy - vari ( వరి )
usually calledpyal - vitardi ( వితర్ది )
Related English Telugu Meaning
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