Meaning of ghudaki in english
Interpreting ghudaki - घुड़की
Other : threat Ex:  The Huns became the greatest threat to China for the following three centuries
snub Ex:  snub someone snarling Ex:  A woman snarling rebuke Ex:  It is sometimes used figuratively, especially in the formal style, and means Stigma, solemn rebuke frown Ex:  thinking always made him frown growling Ex:  Who is in the habit of growling scolding Ex:  Despite all the scolding his father made him, he is not corrected reprimand Ex:  The report further suggested that Gottlieb was nonetheless due a reprimand browbeating
Suggested : a severe reproof or rebuke, especially a formal one by a person in authority to find fault with angrily chide reprimand to utter a deep guttural sound of anger or hostility to contract the brow, as in displeasure or deep thought scowl to express sharp, stern disapproval of reprove reprimand
Word of the day
Usage of घुड़की:
1. दक्षिण चीन सागर में संयुक्त अभ्यास पर अमेरिका को चीन ने फिर दी घुड़की
and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Hindi language .
Transliteration :