bodan meaning in english

बोडण का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : बोडण

Transliteration : boDaNa

Other spellings : bodan
religious ritual in which unwidowed women offer a mixture of curds, milk, rice, etc to a goddess

Meaning of bodan in marathi

deviprityartha suvaasininni dahi, doodha, bhaata i. padaartha kaalavinyaachaa eka vidhi / देवीप्रीत्यर्थ सुवासिनींनी दही, दूध, भात इ. पदार्थ कालविण्याचा एक विधी

Identical words :

As transitive verb :
bodane ( बोडणें ) - to shave
bodanavaavi ( बोडणवावी ) - square or oblong well with steps
Marathi to English

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