hot meaning in english

होत का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : होत

Transliteration : hota

Other spellings : hot
belonging to oneself

Meaning of hot in marathi

svaadhin / स्वाधीनsvikaaralele / स्वीकारलेलेsvaamitvaache / स्वामित्वाचे

Identical words :

As noun :
hotr ( होत्र ) - oblation made in a fire
As adverb :
hotakheõ ( होतखेओं ) - instantlyhoten ( होतें ) - in place of
hota ( होता ) - person who belongs to someone elsehoti ( होती ) - one belonging to someone elsehoti pari ( होती परी ) - way of becominghotri ( होत्री ) - man who performs a sacrifice
Marathi to English