ekam meaning in english

Word: ஏகம் - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ekam means
1. not mixed or adulterated; pure
2. living alone; avoiding the society of others
3. the state of being united.
4. the musical interval of a perfect prime.
5. of or pertaining to the whole of something
6. containing all the elements properly belonging; complete

Transliteration : ēkam Other spellings : ekam

Meanings in english :

As adjective :
unit in arithmetic that which is unique solitariness union unison total Ex: In 2007, Chinese companies invested a total (ஏகம்) of US$1 billion in Africa. whole good and bad great and small altoge ther

Meaning of ekam in tamil

onṟu / ஒன்று
oppaṟ ṟatu / ஒப்பற் றதுtnimai / தனிமைutanpatu / உடன்பாடுmottm / மொத்தம்

Identical words :

ekmptcharm ( ஏகம்பட்சாரம் ) - mineral
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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