apachchayai meaning in english

Word: அபச்சாயை - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
Transliteration : apaccāyai Other spellings : apachchayai

Meanings in english :

shadowless being
as a deity or celestial being unlucky sha dow deduction according to the time of the year from the length of the person's shadow cast by the sun or moon in calculating the hour of the day or night

Meaning of apachchayai in tamil

avachchayai / அவச்சாயை
chayaiyaṟṟatu / சாயையற்றதுormaranakkuṟi / ஓர்மரணக்குறிtallupatinizal / தள்ளுபடிநிழல்
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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