channiyacham meaning in english

Word: சன்னியாசம் - The tamil word have 10 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
channiyacham means
1. the doctrine that a person can attain a high spiritual and moral state by practicing self-denial, self-mortification, and the like.
2. to give up; put aside or desist from
3. any spoken sound represented by the letter W or w, as in way, bewitch, or row.

Transliteration : caṉṉiyācam Other spellings : channiyacham

Meanings in english :

Meaning of channiyacham in tamil

tuṟavu / துறவு

Identical words :

channiyachampanna ( சன்னியாசம்பண்ண ) - to renounce social or secular life for the wandering life of the ascetic
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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