chalakai meaning in english

Word: சலாகை - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chalakai means
1. a straight, slender shoot or stem of any woody plant, whether still growing or cut from the plant.
2. a short, slender piece of wire with a point at one end and a head at the other, for fastening things together.
3. Informal. a leg, either real or wooden
4. an oblong piece of any solid material
5. something resembling such a nail; a stiff, sharp-pointed piece or part
6. a cleaning rod for the barrel of a firearm.
7. a soldier or other person armed with such a weapon; spearman
8. something similar in function to such a missile, as the stinging member of an insect.

Transliteration : calākai Other spellings : chalakai

Meanings in english :

As noun :
any kind of stake rod pin peg spike surgeon's probe ramrod spear jave lin dart magnet or load stone superior kind of gem lath for roofing

Meaning of chalakai in tamil

kol / கோல்
iranavaittiyachalakai / இரணவைத்தியசலாகைtuppakkichchalakai / துப்பாக்கிச்சலாகைitti / ஈட்டிuchikkantam / ஊசிக்காந்தம்teyvavakanmani / தெய்வவகன்மணிvlichchl / வலிச்சல்

Identical words :

chalakaiyatikka ( சலாகையடிக்க ) - to nail on lathschalakaiyani ( சலாகையாணி ) - lath nailschalakaivittupparkka ( சலாகைவிட்டுப்பார்க்க ) - to probe as a woundchalakaikuttiyata ( சலாகைகுத்தியாட ) - to swing on iron probes inserted on either side
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