chirpattozirkuruppu meaning in english

Word: சிற்பத்தொழிற்குறுப்பு - The tamil word have 21 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chi?pattozi?ku?uppu means
1. such blocks collectively.
2. growing trees themselves.
3. this substance when taken from a dead animal and used to make carvings, billiard balls, etc.
4. an application of this.

Transliteration : ciRpattoẕiRkuRuppu Other spellings : chirpattozirkuruppu

Meanings in english :

As noun :
As adjective :

Meaning of chirpattozirkuruppu in tamil

ulokam / உலோகம்
chengkl / செங்கல்mrm / மரம்mn / மண்chutai / சுதைtantam / தந்தம்vannam / வண்ணம்kantacharkkarai / கண்டசர்க்கரை
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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