chokku meaning in english

Word: சொக்கு - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chokku means
1. of great amount, quantity, or size; extremely large; massive
2. causing boredom; tedious; uninteresting
3. lacking in spirit or interest; listless; indifferent.
4. of or showing drowsiness.
5. to arouse the interest or curiosity of; allure.
6. a container made of pieces of thin veneer, used for packing berries, vegetables, etc.
7. mental torpor; apathy; stupefaction.
8. lethargic indifference; apathy.

Transliteration : cokku Other spellings : chokku

Meanings in english :

As noun :
As adjective :
heavy dull languid fascinated gold

Meaning of chokku in tamil

கிறேன் / கிறேன்
சொக்கினேன் / சொக்கினேன்ven / வேன்சொக்க / சொக்கசோர / சோரமயங்க / மயங்கபள்ளம்விழ / பள்ளம்விழchorvu / சோர்வுmykkm / மயக்கம்azku / அழகுpon / பொன்a name of siva as chokkan / a name of siva as சொக்கன்kannam / கன்னம்

Identical words :

chokkuppitunka ( சொக்குப்பிடுங்க ) - to pinchchokkuppoti ( சொக்குப்பொடி ) - powders cast on a person to induce sleepchokkuvikka ( சொக்குவிக்க ) - to fascinate
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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