churungku meaning in english

Word: சுருங்கு - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
churungku means
1. an agreement enforceable by law.
2. to wither; make or become helpless or useless.
3. a temporary slight ridge or furrow on a surface, due to contraction, folding, crushing, or the like.
4. to ruffle; tousle
5. to make less; cause to diminish
6. to fall away, as in quality; degenerate.
7. pressed together
8. a channel at the eaves or on the roof of a building, for carrying off rain water.

Transliteration : curungku Other spellings : churungku

Meanings in english :

As noun :
decrease gutter

Meaning of churungku in tamil

கிறது / கிறது
சுருங்கினது / சுருங்கினதுசுருங்கும் / சுருங்கும்சுருங்க / சுருங்கkuṟaiya / குறையchiṟuka / சிறுககுவிய 4 / குவிய 4chalatarai / சலதாரை
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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