ezuppu meaning in english

Word: எழுப்பு - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ezuppu means
1. active or vigorous
2. to become roused from a tranquil or inactive state; awaken; waken
3. to stir or incite to strong indignation or anger.
4. to appear or come suddenly into action, life, view, etc.; rise or issue suddenly forth.
5. a period of remaining seated, as in posing for a portrait or reading a book.
6. the reason or motive for some human action
7. to cause; awaken
8. to stir or incite to strong indignation or anger.

Transliteration : eẕuppu Other spellings : ezuppu

Meanings in english :

Meaning of ezuppu in tamil

எழுப்புகை / எழுப்புகை
kiṟen / கிறேன்ezuppinen / எழுப்பினேன்ven / வேன்ezuppa / எழுப்பtuyilezuppa / துயிலெழுப்பtukka / தூக்கuyirotezuppa / உயிரோடெழுப்பpalamvaruvikka / பலம்வருவிக்கchan taimutta / சண் டைமூட்டichaiyezup pa / இசையெழுப் பkilappivita / கிளப்பிவிடkopamutaliyanavezuppa / கோபமுதலியனவெழுப்பvitezuppa / வீடெழுப்ப
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