itainilai meaning in english

Word: இடைநிலை - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
Transliteration : iṭainilai Other spellings : itainilai

Meanings in english :

Meaning of itainilai in tamil

vinaiyitainilai / வினையிடைநிலை
irupuṟattiluncharamaniṟkai / இருபுறத்திலுஞ்சாராமனிற்கைpeyaritainilai / பெயரிடைநிலை

Identical words :

itainilaittipakam ( இடைநிலைத்தீபகம் ) - one of the beauties of poetryitainilaimayakku ( இடைநிலைமயக்கு ) - proper combination of letters in the middle of a word
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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