ichaivu meaning in english

Word: இசைவு - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ichaivu means
1. the state of being united.
2. the state of being in accord.
3. arranged within a relatively small space
4. capability of the body of distributing inhaled oxygen to muscle tissue during increased physical effort.
5. a whole or totality as combining all its parts into one.
6. a connection between pieces of wood, metal, or the like, often reinforced with nails, screws, or glue.
7. the state of being connected
8. Archaic. to agree in sentiment, opinion, etc.; be in harmony.

Transliteration : icaivu Other spellings : ichaivu

Meanings in english :

As noun :
fitness joint connection compliance

Meaning of ichaivu in tamil

poruttm / பொருத்தம்

Identical words :

ichaivuketu ( இசைவுகேடு ) - disunionichaivupiṟazvu ( இசைவுபிறழ்வு ) - disorder
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