iyrru meaning in english

Word: இயற்று - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
iy??u means
1. to produce; cause to exist or happen; bring about
2. power to produce results; efficacy; force ; validity; influence
3. to perform or do
4. to cause to come to or toward oneself; attract
5. to exercise supervision over
6. to determine by authority or agreement; fix; set
7. to give out or announce as a task
8. an article of equipment, as household furniture, clothing, ecclesiastical vestments, or the like.

Transliteration : iyRRu Other spellings : iyrru

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of iyrru in tamil

கிறேன் / கிறேன்
இயற்றினேன் / இயற்றினேன்வே ன் / வே ன்இயற்ற / இயற்றcheyy / செய்யநடத்த / நடத்தவிதிக்க / விதிக்கpattiram / பாத்திரம்

Identical words :

iyaṟṟutaṟkarutta ( இயற்றுதற்கருத்தா ) - agentiyaṟṟumvinai ( இயற்றும்வினை ) - verbs expressing action
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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