kantkm meaning in english

Word: காண்டகம் - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kantkm means
1. a tract of such land.
2. any area in which few forms of life can exist because of lack of water, permanent frost, or absence of soil. Synonyms
3. Lake of the Woods .
4. a densely populated area of considerable size, as a city or borough.
5. the inhabitants of such a community collectively.
6. the state or an instance of being sick ; illness.
7. any undesirable or disordered condition
8. any abnormal condition in a plant that interferes with its vital physiological processes, caused by pathogenic microorganisms, parasites, unfavorable environmental, genetic, or nutritional factors, etc.

Transliteration : kāṇṭkm Other spellings : kantkm

Meanings in english :

As noun :
desert malady

Meaning of kantkm in tamil

katu / காடு
ur / ஊர்noy / நோய்kentikai / கெண்டிகைnilavempu / நிலவேம்பு
Tamil to English
English To Tamil