kanitam meaning in english

Word: கணிதம் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kanitam means
1. the sum, total, count, or aggregate of a collection of units, or the like
2. the result or product of calculating
3. the settlement of accounts, as between two companies.
4. a result of computing .
5. esteem; respect.
6. Also called higher arithmetic, theoretical arithmetic. the theory of numbers; the study of the divisibility of whole numbers, the remainders after division, etc.

Transliteration : kaṇitam Other spellings : kanitam

Meanings in english :

As noun :
computation estimation arithmetic mathematics

Meaning of kanitam in tamil

ennu kai / எண்ணு கை
ilkkm / இலக்கம்kanikkappat tatu / கணிக்கப்பட் டதுkanitanul / கணிதநூல்

Identical words :

kanitamparkka ( கணிதம்பார்க்க ) - to make an astrological computation
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