kazichchal meaning in english
Word: கழிச்சல் - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kazichchal means
1. the flowing in of the tide.
2. Veterinary Pathology. any of several diseases of domesticated animals that are characterized by depression, sleepiness, lack of appetite, and diarrhea.
Transliteration : kaẕiccal Other spellings : kazichchal
kazichchal means
1. the flowing in of the tide.
2. Veterinary Pathology. any of several diseases of domesticated animals that are characterized by depression, sleepiness, lack of appetite, and diarrhea.
Transliteration : kaẕiccal Other spellings : kazichchal
Meanings in english :
As noun :
Meaning of kazichchal in tamil
kazital / கழிதல்
petiyatal / பேதியாதல்
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