kiraki meaning in english
Word: கிரகி - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kiraki means
1. to surround as if with folds
2. to hold, grasp, or grip
3. to grasp mentally; understand clearly and completely
4. to seize upon; hold firmly.
5. to agree or consent to; accede to
6. Machinery.
kiraki means
1. to surround as if with folds
2. to hold, grasp, or grip
3. to grasp mentally; understand clearly and completely
4. to seize upon; hold firmly.
5. to agree or consent to; accede to
6. Machinery.
7. to bring together or assemble from various places, sources, or people; collect gradually
8. to accumulate; make a collection of
Transliteration : kiraki Other spellings : kiraki
7. to bring together or assemble from various places, sources, or people; collect gradually
8. to accumulate; make a collection of
Transliteration : kiraki Other spellings : kiraki
Meanings in english :
to embrace enfold take seize to apprehend conceive per ceive to conjecture to guess to take in hand to receive accept to seize take up to get out as secrets to get information to ascertain to extract as essences to infer gather collect deduce to learn house holder
Meaning of kiraki in tamil
க்கிறேன் / க்கிறேன்
த்தேன் / த்தேன்ப்பேன் / ப்பேன்க்க / க்கபற்றிக் கொள்ள / பற்றிக் கொள்ளஉணர்ந்துகொள்ள / உணர்ந்துகொள்ளஉத்தேசிக்க / உத்தேசிக்கeṟṟukkolla / ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளgrasp as இராகு or கேது grasps the sun or moon in an eclipse / grasp as இராகு or கேது grasps the sun or moon in an eclipseவௌவ / வௌவபுலனறிய / புலனறியஇரசம்வாங்க / இரசம்வாங்ககுறிப்பா லறிய / குறிப்பா லறியகற்க / கற்கchamuchari / சமுசாரி
Identical words :
As noun :
kirakippu ( கிரகிப்பு ) - comprehension
kirakippu ( கிரகிப்பு ) - comprehension
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