klvu meaning in english

Word: களவு - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
klvu means
1. an instance of this.
2. an act or device intended to deceive ; trick; stratagem.
3. an act of perfidy, faithlessness, or treason.
4. playful mischief.
5. Bible. idolatry .
6. Bible. idolatry .
7. mental torpor; apathy; stupefaction.

Transliteration : kl.vu Other spellings : klvu

Meanings in english :

As noun :
deceit adultery fornication
As adjective :

Meaning of klvu in tamil

tiruttu / திருட்டு
vanchanai / வஞ்சனைkallavozukkam / கள்ளவொழுக்கம்kallavelai / கள்ளவேலைthe karai shrub / the கரை shrubkalachcheti / களாச்செடிunmattam / உன்மத்தம்

Identical words :

kalavucheyya ( களவுசெய்ய ) - to stealkalavupanna ( களவுபண்ண ) - to play truantkalavupitikka ( களவுபிடிக்க ) - to catch a thief by stratagemkalavuppunarchchi ( களவுப்புணர்ச்சி ) - illicit cohabi tationkalavutam ( களவுதம் ) - silver
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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