krai meaning in english

Word: கறை - The tamil word have 3 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
k?ai means
1. any film or coating on metal caused by oxidation.
2. something that mars one's character or reputation; blemish; flaw.
3. a natural spot or patch of color different from that of the basic color, as on the body of an animal.
4. to diminish or destroy the purity of; stain; sully
5. a mark that detracts from appearance, as a pimple or a scar.
6. responsibility for failure or a wrongful act
7. lack or want, especially of something essential to perfection or completeness; deficiency
8. Often, impurities. something that is or makes impure

Transliteration : kRai Other spellings : krai

Meanings in english :

As noun :
defect blood hue
As adjective :

Meaning of krai in tamil

machu / மாசு
kuṟṟm / குற்றம்kṟuppu / கறுப்புirattam / இரத்தம்url / உரல்karun kali / கருங் காலிkutiyiṟai / குடியிறைniṟm / நிறம்

Identical words :

As noun :
kaṟaitirtal ( கறைதீர்தல் ) - being free from tarnish or pollution
kaṟainikka ( கறைநீக்க ) - to expel pollution or tarnishkaṟaippata ( கறைப்பட ) - to be spottedkaṟaippatutta ( கறைப்படுத்த ) - to stainkaṟaippattamanam ( கறைப்பட்டமனம் ) - polluted mindkaṟaippal ( கறைப்பல் ) - discolored teethkaṟaippitikka ( கறைப்பிடிக்க ) - to become rustykaṟaimitaṟṟiṟai ( கறைமிடற்றிறை ) - siva as black throatedkaṟaiyati ( கறையடி ) - elephantkaṟaiyayirukka ( கறையாயிருக்க ) - to be full of spotskṟaiyan ( கறையான் ) - white antskaṟaiyanarikka ( கறையானரிக்க ) - to gnaw or consume as white antskaṟaiyankatta ( கறையான்கட்ட ) - to form mould as white antskaṟaiyanpuṟṟu ( கறையான்புற்று ) - white ant hillskaṟaiyaṟchatam ( கறையற்சாதம் ) - rice over boiled
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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