kumpam meaning in english

Word: கும்பம் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kumpam means
1. likewise; in the same manner
2. Astrology.
the eleventh sign of the zodiac

Transliteration : kumpam Other spellings : kumpam

Meanings in english :

As noun :
As adverb :
also Ex: Fertility is also (கும்பம்) a factor .

Meaning of kumpam in tamil

kalacham / கலசம்
kakam / காகம்kumparachi / கும்பராசிyanaimattakam / யானைமத்தகம்

Identical words :

kumpamniṟutta ( கும்பம்நிறுத்த ) - to set up a sacrificial pot for worshipkumpampota ( கும்பம்போட ) - to perform a ceremony to the goddess durga
Tamil to English
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