kuzppm meaning in english
Word: குழப்பம் - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kuzppm means
1. the state of being confused .
2. an irregularity
3. an intricate part, action, etc
4. the state of being perturbed .
5. persistent urging of a political or social cause or theory before the public.
6. a confusing maze or tangle, as of objects or conditions
7. the state of being disturbed .
8. a cause of dispute, complaint, or hostile feeling
Transliteration : kuẕppm Other spellings : kuzppm
kuzppm means
1. the state of being confused .
2. an irregularity
3. an intricate part, action, etc
4. the state of being perturbed .
5. persistent urging of a political or social cause or theory before the public.
6. a confusing maze or tangle, as of objects or conditions
7. the state of being disturbed .
8. a cause of dispute, complaint, or hostile feeling
Transliteration : kuẕppm Other spellings : kuzppm
Meanings in english :
disorder embroilment perturbation agitation quarrel tumult sadition rebellion squall storm hurricane boisterousness of the weather or see
Meaning of kuzppm in tamil
kuzappati / குழப்படி
taṟumaṟu / தாறுமாறுmanakkalakkam / மனக்கலக்கம்kalakam / கலகம்irachakalakam / இராசகலகம்kontalippu / கொந்தளிப்பு
Identical words :
kuzappampanna ( குழப்பம்பண்ண ) - to confuse
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