maru meaning in english

Word: மாறு - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ma?u means
1. to castrate or spay.
2. space in general
3. the shape of a thing or person.
4. the state, condition, manner, or style in which a person or object appears ; outward look or aspect
5. duration regarded as belonging to the present life as distinct from the life to come or from eternity; finite duration.
6. any shrubby plant belonging to the genus Genista or the genus Cytisus, of the legume family, especially C. scoparius, common in Western Europe on uncultivated ground and having long, slender branches bearing yellow flowers.
7. an individual, species, or the like, resulting from such a departure.
8. to transform or convert

Transliteration : māRu Other spellings : maru

Meanings in english :

As noun :
As adjective :

Meaning of maru in tamil

கிறேன் / கிறேன்
மாறினேன் / மாறினேன்ven / வேன்மாற / மாறveṟupata / வேறுபடmaṟṟu / மாற்றுas pakalmaṟu varukiṟan / as பகல்மாறு வருகிறான்vilakkumaṟu / விளக்குமாறுmilaṟu / மிலாறுveṟu / வேறுpkai / பகைkaimmaṟu / கைம்மாறு

Identical words :

As noun :
maṟukalmaṟukaivankutal ( மாறுகால்மாறுகைவாங்குதல் ) - cutting off one leg and one hand a punishment said to have been inflicted by the zemindars of old timesmaṟupatu ( மாறுபாடு ) - opposition
maṟukol ( மாறுகோள் ) - contradictionmaṟuttaram ( மாறுத்தரம் ) - answermaṟupatupukaznilai ( மாறுபடுபுகழ்நிலை ) - figure in rhe toricmaṟupashai ( மாறுபாஷை ) - another languagemaṟupattukkaran ( மாறுபாட்டுக்காரன் ) - double dealermaṟukm ( மாறுகம் ) - cloth
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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