miruttu meaning in english

Word: மிருத்து - The tamil word have 8 characters.
miruttu means
1. this planet as the habitation of humans, often in contrast to heaven and hell

Transliteration : miruttu Other spellings : miruttu

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of miruttu in tamil

pumi / பூமி

Identical words :

miruttuchanti ( மிருத்துசாந்தி ) - ceremony in time of sickness to appease the god of deathmiruttuchutakam ( மிருத்துசூதகம் ) - impurity from death in a housemiruttunchayan ( மிருத்துஞ்சயன் ) - sivamiruttupanchakam ( மிருத்துபஞ்சகம் ) - liability to death
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