murainiranirai meaning in english
Word: முறைநிரனிறை - The tamil word have 11 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
Transliteration : muRainiraṉiRai Other spellings : murainiranirai
Transliteration : muRainiraṉiRai Other spellings : murainiranirai
Meanings in english :
arrangement of a series of verbs
nouns in the order of their nomi natives and objectives assuming the forms of a hog of a lion of rama of krishna pierced lacerated shot and kicked by means of his tusk claws arrow and feet so that these four persons were killed Ex: 4,484 servicemen were killed (முறைநிரனிறை) during the Iraq War.
Meaning of murainiranirai in tamil
muṟainirainiṟai / முறைநிரைநிறை
as iraniyanattaniraniyaniraintalaiyankanchan muraniyakottinakattiṟcharattinmunṟayiṟṟunchat taraniyiṟkuttiyitanteytutaittavancharppaveṟpan araniyakezalarirakavankannanakivantethe god of tirupati is he who / as இரணியநாட்டனிரணியனீரைந்தலையன்கஞ்சன் முரணியகோட்டினகத்திற்சரத்தின்மூன்றாயிற்றுஞ்சத் தரணியிற்குத்தியிடந்தெய்துதைத்தவன்சர்ப்பவெற்பன் அரணியகேழலரிராகவன்கண்ணனாகிவந்தேthe god of tirupati is he whoiraniyatchan / இரணியாட்சன்iraniyan / இரணியன்iraintalaiyan / ஈரைந்தலையன்and kanchan / and கஞ்சன்
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