murukku meaning in english
Word: முறுக்கு - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
mu?ukku means
1. lack of agreement; diversity; unlikeness
2. disagreement; difference of opinion.
3. to form by or as if by winding strands together
4. impertinent quality or action.
5. to give a false, perverted, or disproportionate meaning to; misrepresent
6. to lead astray morally.
7. to form by or as if by winding strands together
Transliteration : muRukku Other spellings : murukku
kind of cake disagreement discord rancor wresting twisting upright posture of a person in full dress authoritative air compactness of an unblown flower to wrest distort pervert twist to twist a rope to chafe the limbs of another to promote the circu lation of blood to be angry to chafe to be irritable
mu?ukku means
1. lack of agreement; diversity; unlikeness
2. disagreement; difference of opinion.
3. to form by or as if by winding strands together
4. impertinent quality or action.
5. to give a false, perverted, or disproportionate meaning to; misrepresent
6. to lead astray morally.
7. to form by or as if by winding strands together
Transliteration : muRukku Other spellings : murukku
Meanings in english :
As noun :
Meaning of murukku in tamil
ஓர்பண்ணிகாரம் / ஓர்பண்ணிகாரம்
pinkku / பிணக்குமுறுக்குகை / முறுக்குகைneṟippu / நெறிப்புviṟappu / வீறாப்புas தளை / as தளைkiṟen / கிறேன்muṟukkinen / முறுக்கினேன்ven / வேன்muṟukka / முறுக்கtirikka / திரிக்கmuṟukkippitikka / முறுக்கிப்பிடிக்கpinanka / பிணங்க
Identical words :
As noun :
muṟukkutaittal ( முறுக்குடைத்தல் ) - untwining or untwisting
muṟukkutaittal ( முறுக்குடைத்தல் ) - untwining or untwisting
muṟukkukkompu ( முறுக்குக்கொம்பு ) - winding horns of cattlemuṟukkuppanikaram ( முறுக்குப்பணிகாரம் ) - twisted cakemuṟukkuppanna ( முறுக்குப்பண்ண ) - to be saucymuṟukkumichai ( முறுக்குமீசை ) - twisted mustachio
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