namm meaning in english

Word: நாமம் - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
namm means
1. mere designation, as distinguished from fact
2. appellative
3. this planet as the habitation of humans, often in contrast to heaven and hell
4. favorable repute ; good name
5. fame; renown.
6. a specific instance of or propensity for such a feeling

Transliteration : nāmm Other spellings : namm

Meanings in english :

As noun :
appellation earth celebrity

Meaning of namm in tamil

peyr / பெயர்
tirunamam / திருநாமம்tiruman / திருமண்kirtti / கீர்த்திniṟaikolinnatu / நிறைகோலின்நடுachchm / அச்சம்

Identical words :

namamtarikka ( நாமம்தரிக்க ) - to take
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