nttm meaning in english

Word: நத்தம் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
nttm means
1. the beginning of this period; nightfall .
2. absence or deficiency of light
3. a slow or lazy person; sluggard.
4. a densely populated area of considerable size, as a city or borough.
5. the inhabitants of such a community collectively.

Transliteration : nttm Other spellings : nttm

Meanings in english :

As noun :
darkness chank snail town village gno mon of a dial

Meaning of nttm in tamil

ira / இரா
irul / இருள்the புன்கு tree / the புன்கு treeas நத்தமாலம் / as நத்தமாலம்changku / சங்குnttai / நத்தைur / ஊர்katikarauchi / கடிகாரஊசி
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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