nimirchchi meaning in english

Word: நிமிர்ச்சி - The tamil word have 10 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
nimirchchi means
1. the state of being erected .
2. raised or directed vertically or upward.
3. growing or advancing to adult years
4. the state of being extended.
5. not moving or working easily
6. Archaic. lofty or noble ; exalted.

Transliteration : nimircci Other spellings : nimirchchi

Meanings in english :

As noun :
extension haughtiness

Meaning of nimirchchi in tamil

nimir vu / நிமிர் வு
uyarchchi / உயர்ச்சிnitchi / நீட்சிiṟumappu / இறுமாப்புkirakanataiyinonṟu / கிரகநடையினொன்று

Identical words :

nimirchchiyanapechchu ( நிமிர்ச்சியானபேச்சு ) - arrogant or affected talk
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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