niruvakam meaning in english

Word: நிருவாகம் - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
niruvakam means
1. the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress , or other adverse conditions; stamina
2. a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own.
3. to sustain or withstand
4. skill in managing ; executive ability
5. an act or means of thrifty saving; a saving
6. the science of raising crops or food animals.
7. that which is borne with difficulty; obligation; onus
8. a cause or object of worry, anxiety, concern, etc.

Transliteration : niruvākam Other spellings : niruvakam

Meanings in english :

As noun :
management frugality burden character decision determination establishment conclusion

Meaning of niruvakam in tamil

nirvakam / நிர்வாகம்
chakippu / சகிப்புnatappippu / நடப்பிப்புpara marippu / பரா மரிப்புpoṟuppu / பொறுப்புnilaimai / நிலைமைchir / சீர்chattiyam / சாத்தியம்unmai / உண்மைmutivu / முடிவு

Identical words :

niruvakampanna ( நிருவாகம்பண்ண ) - to manage
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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