orru meaning in english

Word: ஒற்று - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
o??u means
1. the special use or purpose to which something is put
2. to come into contact or union with
3. to cause to adhere
4. the use of spies by a government to discover the military and political secrets of other nations.
5. acutely observant or penetrating
6. a company having a franchise to represent another.
7. a person employed to convey official dispatches or to go on other official or special errands
8. a person who keeps close and secret watch on the actions and words of another or others.

Transliteration : oRRu Other spellings : orru

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of orru in tamil

ஒற்றல் / ஒற்றல்
கிறேன் / கிறேன்ஒற்றினேன் / ஒற்றினேன்ven / வேன்ஒற்ற / ஒற்றஅ ணைக்க / அ ணைக்கmey yezuttu / மெய் யெழுத்துvevu / வேவுtutan / தூதன்vevukaran / வேவுகாரன்

Identical words :

As noun :
oṟṟukkettal ( ஒற்றுக்கேட்டல் ) - over hearingoṟṟuppeyarttal ( ஒற்றுப்பெயர்த்தல் ) - constructing a species of verse so artfully that
oṟṟukketu ( ஒற்றுக்கேடு ) - elision of a consonantoṟṟumai ( ஒற்றுமை ) - unionoṟṟumainayam ( ஒற்றுமைநயம் ) - combination
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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