otukkam meaning in english
Word: ஒடுக்கம் - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
otukkam means
1. limited in extent or space; affording little room
2. to stop or obstruct
3. suppression or termination
4. the quality or state of being contracted .
5. the amount by which something is reduced or diminished.
6. the outward manifestation of this feeling
7. regard for decency of behavior, speech, dress, etc.
8. the state or process of being absorbed .
Transliteration : oṭukkam Other spellings : otukkam
otukkam means
1. limited in extent or space; affording little room
2. to stop or obstruct
3. suppression or termination
4. the quality or state of being contracted .
5. the amount by which something is reduced or diminished.
6. the outward manifestation of this feeling
7. regard for decency of behavior, speech, dress, etc.
8. the state or process of being absorbed .
Transliteration : oṭukkam Other spellings : otukkam
Meanings in english :
narrowness straitness contraction into itself as the tortoise elastic substance retirement within doors concealment by stooping and creeping along as a man to shoot tiger to spring on its prey sup pression contraction reduction reverence self restraint modesty involution as of the elements one into another dissolu tion disappearance as of salt in water cessation of noise stir as by night in time of epidemics quietude calmness stillness sinking as the soul through its different stages at death gradual reduction as of circumstances powers of the body by age end termination
Meaning of otukkam in tamil
vaziyotukkam / வழியொடுக்கம்
churunkukai / சுருங்குகைpatunkukai / பதுங்குகைnerukkm / நெருக்கம்a takkam / அ டக்கம்onṟilonṟatankukai / ஒன்றிலொன்றடங்குகைamaivu / அமைவுpalamutaliyavotunkukai / பலமுதலியவொடுங்குகைmutivu / முடிவு
Identical words :
otukkamparttuvara ( ஒடுக்கம்பார்த்துவர ) - to attack a house
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