paychchl meaning in english
Word: பாய்ச்சல் - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
paychchl means
1. to rise suddenly or quickly
2. to move or act quickly or suddenly
3. to be released from a constrained position, as by resilient or elastic force or from the action of a spring
4. to appear or come suddenly into action, life, view, etc.; rise or issue suddenly forth.
5. a skipping or frisking about; frolic.
6. to ride on a horse doing this.
7. prevalent; customary
8. a steady current in water, as in a river or the ocean
Transliteration : pāyccl Other spellings : paychchl
paychchl means
1. to rise suddenly or quickly
2. to move or act quickly or suddenly
3. to be released from a constrained position, as by resilient or elastic force or from the action of a spring
4. to appear or come suddenly into action, life, view, etc.; rise or issue suddenly forth.
5. a skipping or frisking about; frolic.
6. to ride on a horse doing this.
7. prevalent; customary
8. a steady current in water, as in a river or the ocean
Transliteration : pāyccl Other spellings : paychchl
Meanings in english :
bounding galloping leaping prancing plunging leap spring start gambol prance stream torrent as of pus tears over flowing of a river butting disobedience gorging rude uncivil treatment
Meaning of paychchl in tamil
paytal / பாய்தல்
kutippu / குதிப்புnirottam / நீரோட்டம்chorikai / சொரிகைperukukai / பெருகுகைmuttukai / முட்டுகைtullukai / துள்ளுகைuru vukai / உரு வுகைvetuvetuppu / வெடுவெடுப்பு
Identical words :
paychchalkatta ( பாய்ச்சல்காட்ட ) - to cause a dog
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