panriyiraichchi meaning in english
Word: பன்றியிறைச்சி - The tamil word have 13 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pan?iyi?aichchi means
1. Informal. appropriations, appointments, etc., made by the government for political reasons rather than for public benefit, as for public buildings or river improvements.
2. Also called white bacon . South Midland and Southern U.S. pork cured in brine; salt pork.
3. Informal. appropriations, appointments, etc., made by the government for political reasons rather than for public benefit, as for public buildings or river improvements.
Transliteration : paṉRiyiRaicci Other spellings : panriyiraichchi
pan?iyi?aichchi means
1. Informal. appropriations, appointments, etc., made by the government for political reasons rather than for public benefit, as for public buildings or river improvements.
2. Also called white bacon . South Midland and Southern U.S. pork cured in brine; salt pork.
3. Informal. appropriations, appointments, etc., made by the government for political reasons rather than for public benefit, as for public buildings or river improvements.
Transliteration : paṉRiyiRaicci Other spellings : panriyiraichchi
Meanings in english :
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