palingku meaning in english

Word: பளிங்கு - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
palingku means
1. the transparent form of crystallized quartz.
2. any artificial or natural substance having similar properties and composition, as fused borax, obsidian, or the like.
3. such a surface set into a frame, attached to a handle, etc., for use in viewing oneself or as an ornament.

Transliteration : pal.ingku Other spellings : palingku

Meanings in english :

As noun :
As adjective :

Meaning of palingku in tamil

patikam / படிகம்
kannati / கண்ணாடிchuk kiran / சுக் கிரன்

Identical words :

palinkukkannati ( பளிங்குக்கண்ணாடி ) - crystalpalinkuniṟam ( பளிங்குநிறம் ) - crystal colorpalinkuppattiram ( பளிங்குப்பாத்திரம் ) - crystal vesselpalinkumantapam ( பளிங்குமண்டபம் ) - hall orna mented with crystalpalinkumalikai ( பளிங்குமாளிகை ) - crystal palacepalinkuvatam ( பளிங்குவடம் ) - necklace of crystal beads
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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