pariti meaning in english
Word: பரிதி - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pariti means
1. the portion of a plane bounded by such a curve.
2. the external surface of a body.
3. a self-luminous heavenly body; star.
4. Physics.
pariti means
1. the portion of a plane bounded by such a curve.
2. the external surface of a body.
3. a self-luminous heavenly body; star.
4. Physics.
Also called luminous energy , radiant energy . electromagnetic radiation to which the organs of sight react, ranging in wavelength from about 400 to 700 nm and propagated at a speed of 186,282 mi./sec
5. warm, cheerful brightness
6. Optics. the luminance of a body, apart from its hue or saturation, that an observer uses to determine the comparative luminance of another body. Pure white has the maximum brightness, and pure black the minimum brightness.
7. any spoken sound represented by the letter W or w, as in way, bewitch, or row.
Transliteration : pariti Other spellings : pariti
5. warm, cheerful brightness
6. Optics. the luminance of a body, apart from its hue or saturation, that an observer uses to determine the comparative luminance of another body. Pure white has the maximum brightness, and pure black the minimum brightness.
7. any spoken sound represented by the letter W or w, as in way, bewitch, or row.
Transliteration : pariti Other spellings : pariti
Meanings in english :
periphery chariot wheel discus weapon halo about the sun or moon sun light lustre radiance stake to which an animal is tied when sacri ficed sacrificial mound w <
Meaning of pariti in tamil
vattam / வட்டம்
terurulai / தேருருளைchakkarayutam / சக்கராயுதம்parivetam / பரிவேடம்churiyan / சூரியன்oli / ஒளிyupastampam / யூபஸ்தம்பம்yakametai / யாகமேடை
Identical words :
paritipakai ( பரிதிபாகை ) - mean degrees counted on an epicycle
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