patati meaning in english
Word: பதாதி - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
patati means
1. a metal stand before a fire, to keep something hot.
2. a large body of persons trained and armed for war.
3. earnest but tense desire; eagerness
4. unquiet or uneasy, as a person, the mind, or the heart.
Transliteration : patāti Other spellings : patati
patati means
1. a metal stand before a fire, to keep something hot.
2. a large body of persons trained and armed for war.
3. earnest but tense desire; eagerness
4. unquiet or uneasy, as a person, the mind, or the heart.
Transliteration : patāti Other spellings : patati
Meanings in english :
footsoldier one of the four divisions of an army infan try division of an army consisting of one chariot one elephant three horses and five infantry one who has lost all is flying from battle on foot restlessness
Meaning of patati in tamil
Identical words :
patatippata ( பதாதிப்பட ) - to be restlesspatatiyanavan ( பதாதியானவன் ) - restless
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