pchai meaning in english

Word: பசை - The tamil word have 3 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pchai means
1. having, showing, or proceeding from benevolence
2. having great affection or love; warmly attached; loving
3. having the property of viscosity .
4. any of various solutions or preparations of this substance, used as an adhesive.
5. any soft, smooth, and plastic material or preparation.
6. any of various soft, sticky substances that dry hard or stonelike, used especially for mending broken objects or for making things adhere.
7. a small quantity of liquid, especially water; enough liquid to moisten .
8. any vital body fluid.

Transliteration : pcai Other spellings : pchai

Meanings in english :

As noun :
glue cement affection compassion boldness
As adjective :
affectionate beneficent

Meaning of pchai in tamil

கிறேன் / கிறேன்
ந்தேன் / ந்தேன்ven / வேன்அன்பு கொள்ள / அன்பு கொள்ளசாரமுள்ளதாக / சாரமுள்ளதாகilku / இளகுபிசைய / பிசையஒட்ட / ஒட்டpṟṟu / பற்றுpichin / பிசின்charam / சாரம்anpu / அன்புkozuppu / கொழுப்புchatu / சது

Identical words :

As noun :
pachaiyottutal ( பசையொட்டுதல் ) - gluing or pasting anythingpachaivu ( பசைவு ) - compassion
pachaiyati ( பசையடி ) - first washing of a new clothpachaiyaṟṟavan ( பசையற்றவன் ) - person without kindnesspachaiyayirukka ( பசையாயிருக்க ) - to be glutinouspachaintar ( பசைந்தார் ) - friendspachaimattai ( பசைமட்டை ) - piece of palmyra stalk used by blacksmiths in tempering the heat of fire the by water
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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