pirku meaning in english

Word: பிறகு - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pi?ku means
1. briefly; concisely.
2. later in time than; in succession to; at the close of
3. space in general
4. not keeping up with, later than; after
5. struggling in opposition.
6. on, in, or toward a lower level, as a lower deck of a ship

Transliteration : piRku Other spellings : pirku

Meanings in english :

As noun :
As adverb :
As adjective :
after in place

Meaning of pirku in tamil

pinpu / பின்பு
chaṟṟepoṟuttu / சற்றேபொறுத்துpinpuṟamay / பின்புறமாய்tamatamay / தாமதமாய்kizay / கீழாய்
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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