pirachittam meaning in english
Word: பிரசித்தம் - The tamil word have 10 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pirachittam means
1. public notice so gained.
2. Chiefly British. a notorious or celebrated person.
3. that which is disclosed ; a revelation.
4. to set forth or teach publicly
5. the act of proclaiming .
6. the act of bringing before the public ; announcement.
7. common estimation or opinion generally held of a person or thing; reputation.
8. gossip; hearsay
Transliteration : piracittam Other spellings : pirachittam
1. அங்குள்ள தோழர்கள் எதிரிகளை காணாமல் ஆக்குவதில் கைதேர்ந்தவர்கள் என்பது பிரசித்தம்
ankulla tozarkal etirikalai kanamal akkuvatil kaiterntavarkal enpatu pirachittam
pirachittam means
1. public notice so gained.
2. Chiefly British. a notorious or celebrated person.
3. that which is disclosed ; a revelation.
4. to set forth or teach publicly
5. the act of proclaiming .
6. the act of bringing before the public ; announcement.
7. common estimation or opinion generally held of a person or thing; reputation.
8. gossip; hearsay
Transliteration : piracittam Other spellings : pirachittam
Meanings in english :
Meaning of pirachittam in tamil
velippatai / வெளிப்படை
aṟivippu / அறிவிப்புkir tti / கீர் த்தி
Tamil Examples :
ankulla tozarkal etirikalai kanamal akkuvatil kaiterntavarkal enpatu pirachittam
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