piravecham meaning in english
Word: பிரவேசம் - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
piravecham means
1. something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking
2. the cultivation of a particular branch of learning, science, or art
3. the ceremony of conferring degrees or granting diplomas at the end of the academic year.
4. the ceremonies or rites of admission. Compare rite of passage .
Transliteration : piravēcam Other spellings : piravecham
piravecham means
1. something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking
2. the cultivation of a particular branch of learning, science, or art
3. the ceremony of conferring degrees or granting diplomas at the end of the academic year.
4. the ceremonies or rites of admission. Compare rite of passage .
Transliteration : piravēcam Other spellings : piravecham
Meanings in english :
entrance of a great person with parade intentness on an object engagedness in a pursuit entrance on progress in work study place of entry <
Meaning of piravecham in tamil
Identical words :
piravechampanna ( பிரவேசம்பண்ண ) - to enter
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